Salina Brett has always been captivated by the mysteries of nature, human behavior, and spirituality. As a child, she devoured books on these topics, explored the woods, and gazed at the stars through her telescope. A life-changing moment in her teens, when a divine presence saved her from a fatal accident, deepened her connection to the divine and set her on a path to inspire others.

Raised in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, Salina grew up amidst artisans, cultural non-conformists, and LGBTQ+ individuals in the Bible Belt. She blended conservative Christian study with Eastern and metaphysical practices, creating a unique spiritual path that leaves a lasting impression on those she meets.

Salina’s travels, from the North Pole to Mexico and across the U.S., have enriched her life and writing. Her debut novel, “Wren,” is a culmination of her lifelong passion for storytelling, alongside her short stories, magazine articles, and newspaper commentaries. She also delivers inspirational talks and advocates for the LGBTQ+ community.

Salina lives in Maine with her life partner, Marshella, their two dogs, Jasper and Lily, and their hedgehog, Lily. Her home is a sanctuary where her love for nature, spirituality, and storytelling continues to thrive.



I am Wren, and you are loved.

Dear friends, this story is mine, but it is also yours. Most of you will recognize me from the many tales of Alnore and Wren. But as I speak, some of you will notice a reflection of yourself. An empty place inside you will tug and stomp, trying to grab your attention. It’s the innermost center of who you are. It is an inner space into which our heart pours relationships and passions and desires and a thousand other near truths and falsehoods, believing if we can only find that one special thing, it will satisfy us and then, finally, our yearning hearts will be at peace

My story includes those who sought to fill or smother that center space with affirmation, with power, with anger, with religion, with work, with fun and hundreds of other experiences in our lives. I did the same, but that inner void remained empty. I couldn’t fill it because I couldn’t find the center of what holds me together, the same center that binds us all as one life, one creature.

Alnore counseled many of you on this branch of the Sacred Tree. I am here because the void within me is sacred. My yearning was not from any lack within my sacred center. No, that divine space seeks to remain empty, open, pure, inviting – a place apart and untarnished from the desires of the world. This sacred center is a place of inner peace. It is an opening, a connection through which the purest essence of existence flows – love.

Today, I will tell you how Styxn, that creature of darkness, sought to kill Alnore and how his student, Mouse, was both my friend and my enemy. I will speak of Alnore’s love for me and all of you and why it was I came to leave him, betray him, die, and become as he was.

The stories of my life are becoming legends, tales that seize the ears of others because they are stretched and colored beyond reality. Though they are a delight to both storyteller and listener, they obscure the Light that points to x that divine space within us. I am not that Light. I’m no different than you. But in hearing my life story, the careful listener will discover their own sacred center. I know this because I touched the Love of All who is the sacred center within all of us. Now, my dear friends, listen, for my words are true.




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Join Wren, a sparrow on a mystical journey of love, truth, and self-discovery, in the tradition of Jonathan Livingston Seagull and The Alchemist.


ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9798765253656
ISBN 13 (HARD): 9798765253649
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9798765253632